Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Malone Pdf Creator

2020. 2. 19. 09:36카테고리 없음

CHEM 101 is a survey of the basic concepts of inorganic chemistry that includes quantitative concepts and development of problem solving methods. This course is designed for general education majors. It can be used by students as preparation for CHEM 111. It also satisfies chemistry requirements for allied health majors. Upon completion of CHEM 101, CHEM 100 will count as elective science credits only and will not satisfy core lab sceince credits. This course satisfies a laboratory science course requirement for the A.S., A.A., and A.A.S. Lecture: 3 hours per week.

Chemistry 101-Section 5: Spring Semester 2013Tentative Lecture Schedule ( subject to change)WeekLecture DateTopics1Jan. 15(Tue.)IntroductionChapter 1Memorize Elements 1-18 and Metric SystemJan. 17(Thur.)QUIZ: Elements 1-18 and Chapter 1Chapter 12Jan. 22(Tue.)Chapter 2Memorize Elements 1-36Jan. 24(Thur.)HOMEWORK DUEQUIZ: Elements 1-36, Chapters 1 and 2Chapter 23Jan. 29(Tue.)Chapter 3Memorize Cation ListJan.

31(Thur.)HOMEWORK DUEQUIZ: Cations and Chapters 2 and 3Chapter 34Feb. 5(Tue.)Chapter 4Memorize Anion ListFeb.

Basic Concepts Of Chemistry

7(Thur.)HOMEWORK DUEEXAM #1: Chapters 1-35Feb. 12(Tue.)Chapters 4 and 5Feb. 14(Thur.)HOMEWORK DUEQUIZ: Ions (Cation and Anion) and Chapter 4Chapter 56Feb. 19(Tue.)Chapter 6Employee Development Day—Night Classes are IN SESSION!Feb. 21(Thur.)HOMEWORK DUEQUIZ: Nomenclature and Chapter 5Chapter 67Feb. 26(Tue.)Chapter 7Feb.

Chemistry is a concept and problem solving course. For the average student to be successful (C or better) in this course, several blocks of time during the week will need to be set aside for studying the material and practicing problems. The average student can expect to invest at least two hours a week outside of class for each hour of lecture time (that makes 6 hours total for three hours of lecture).

If your math skills are weak, you should expect to spend even more time studying. Success in this class is dependent on the eventual strenght of your mathematics and problem solving skills and your ability to properly communicate your mathematical work and concepts learned.In order to maintain a classroom environment conductive to learning, students are required to silence cell phones and pagers during class. Texting in class can also be a distraction so it is not permitted. In order to minimize disruptions, students are expected to arrive to class on time and to be courteous. Disruptive behavior will result in disciplinary action.Homework in this course involves working the problems in the textbook. Additional work may be given.

Students are expected to read the current lecture material before attending class and attempting the textbook problems. This will maximize the benefits of class instruction time. At a minimum, it is expected that students complete the following problems from the textbook: 1) all of the 'Accessing the Objectives' problems at the end of each Chapter Section (answers are given at the end of each chapter) and 2) all of the Chapter Problems in green (answers are provided in Appendix G). Repetition is necessary for success, thus doing numerous, similar problems several times provides the practice necessary to become a good problem solver.

The 5% assignment grade will be from Chapter Problems assigned from each lecture and will be due at the beginning of class according to the course schedule. No late assignments will be accepted.Attendance at lectures is expected but is not required. Students are responsible for all the material presented. It is not the responsibility of the instructor to 'catch you up' on material that you missed. Remember, this is a night class, two night lectures is equivalent to three lectures from a day class. It is very difficult to make up for lecture material which was missed. Attendance at exams, quizzes, and laboratories is mandatory (this is a laboratory science course).

No make-up quizzes or exams will be given.If you are experiencing difficulties in this course, utilize the assistance available to you-get a tutor, organize a study team, get help from your instructor during office hours, etc. If needed, get help early and often. Students who fail the course will not be provided with any additional assignments at the end of the semester.

Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Malone Pdf Creator

Student ResponsibilityAs outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, all North Idaho College students have both rights and responsibilities: Please access www.nic.ferpa.StudentCode/index.htm for complete information that pertains to this subject.For a complete explanation of the North Idaho College Statement on Academic Honesty & Academic Integrity please refer to Policy 5.06 & Procedure 5.06.01:Academic IntegrityDisruptive behavior in the class is not tolerated. To quote from the NIC 'Student Code of Conduct,' Article II, (found in the Student Handbook):In order to carry out North Idaho College's Mission and to create a community of learners, the students, faculty, staff, and administrators must share common principles or values. These values - which include honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility - make up academic integrity.II. Academic Dishonesty.Violations of academic integrity involve using or attempting to use any method that enables an individual to misrepresent the quality or integrity of his or her work at North Idaho College. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504/508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, North Idaho College provides accommodations to eligible students who experience barriers in the educational setting due to learning, emotional / mental, physical, visual, or hearing disabilities. Instructors will provide accommodations to students only after having received a Letter of Accommodation from the Center for Educational Access.If a student would like to request accommodations, he or she must contact the Center for Educational Access so that a Letter of Accommodation may be sent to the instructor. Students requesting accommodations must contact the at the beginning of each semester.

An incomplete is assigned only if the student has been in attendance and has done satisfactory work to within three weeks of the end of the semester (or proportional length of time for a course of less than a semester in length). Incompletes are issued only in cases of extenuating circumstances, such as severe illness or injury. Incompletes are not issued in cases in which the student is simply unable to complete his/her work within the specified semester or session. If a final grade of 'I' is recorded, the instructor will indicate in writing to the Registrar what the student must do to make up the deficiency.

The instructor will indicate in the written statement what permanent grade should be entered if the Incomplete is not removed by the deadline.All incomplete grades must be removed within six weeks after the first class day of the following term, excluding the summer session. If the Incomplete is not removed by that date, the grade reverts to the grade indicated by the instructor's written statement authorizing the incomplete. North Idaho College has a zero tolerance policy for any acts of discrimination or harassment of any kind.

For more information, please see the, Code of Conduct Article III and Article VIII. Compliance efforts with respect to these laws and regulations are the responsibility of each member of the campus community and are under the direction of the Dean of Students Office for Student Issues (2nd floor, Edminster Student Union Building, (208) 676-7156) and the Human Resources Office (Sherman Administration Building, (208) 769-3304) for employee issues.

DROP FOR NON-PAYMENT: By registering at North Idaho College, you agree to provide payment by the due dates. You will be dropped from classes if payment is not received by 5 p.m. Pacific Time on the third day of the semester. Students on the waitlist will be given the option to register for classes after students are dropped for non-payment.REMOVAL FROM CLASS FOR NON-ATTENDANCE: Attendance is based on your participation in this class. Failure to attend may result in your being removed from this class and may result in your financial aid award being reduced. You are responsible for confirming the accuracy of your attendance record.