Personal Communicator V8 For Mac

2020. 2. 8. 18:10카테고리 없음

  1. Personal Communicator V8 For Mac Pro

IBM Personal communications V12.0.2 might crash intermittently when a recorded macro is run repeatedly from the custom macro icon created on toolbar. This crash is only seen with Windows 10 creator update installed. Follow the steps below to replicate: Create a 5250/3270 session from PCOMM V12.0.2. Record macro with name M1.mac.

Check the following: 1) On CUCM Device Trunk. Make sure you have a SIP trunk pointing to the IP address of CUPS, port 5060. 2) On CUCM System Service Parameters Cisco CallManager, make sure CUP Publish Trunk was configured as the trunk above. 3) On CUCM Device Phone, click on the DN configured on the phone. Go to the bottom of the page. Make sure end user ID was associated with the DN.

If all checked out but still not work, do the following: 1) On CUCM Device Trunk, reset the trunk. 2) On CUPS Serviceability Tools - Feature Services, restart 'Cisco UP Presence Engine' 3) On CUCM Device Phone, reset the phone. Michael more. Similar Messages.

Hi When i try to make a call from personal Communicator, it shows 'outgoing call failure (Phone out of service)'. I checked all the setting in callmanager and presence.After dialling callmanager reply with SIP: 400 bad request. Hi Bvanturn I checked my configurations again and again.No hard phone is associated with that Personal Communicator.When i call to personal Communicator device its successful.But when call from personal Comm to any number its failed. In sniffer i got SIP message from Callmanager with this error '400 Bad Request'. When i associate hardphone with personal Communicator device and deskphone is selected then every outgoing & incoming call successfull.

Sometime when that personal comm device lregistered for long time it starts every outgoing call successful.But after register again same issue. Can you send me any sample configuration for personal Communicator device in Callmager and Presence??? Thanks Regards Sajeel. Hi everybody, i have a problem i tried to customize the lync presence states for my company.

I tried the following links: but it doesn't work. Either the client updates the states from a local store or the method with the server is working. I changed the SecretMode and everything else. If i tried the server method the client could open the xml data and i created the policy role and granted it successfully to the client. Is this code realy necessary because i can't opening it: - xmlns='This is written in every xml data exampel but i wondering about this.

Personal Communicator V8 For Mac Pro

Here an example Working from Home activity 2 for 1044 activity 3 for 1055 do you have any ideas what the problem could be?! Sorry for my bad english.Thank you!best greetings Otschma You will always need the XML configuration file for the Lync 2013 client. Be sure you have no mistype in the xml file, because the Lync client will show the custom presence only if the file is correct. The secret mode is only necessary, if you use a local file and not a website.

You should always use a web site, you can use your Lync FE to publish the file, that’s all. Regards Holger Technical Specialist UC.

Hello, We're in the process of deploying Personal Communicator 8 with Presence 8 and have had some strange things happen. At certian times if someone dials an outside number that has the same last 4 digits as an internal person, CUPC will show the internal name and number. This also happens for incoming external calls as well. CUPS is LDAP integrated to AD and the telephone number it uses is the 4 digit extension. I'm guessing some directory look up rules need to be defined but I've not found and good documentation to explain how to properly configure them. I've already created appliciation dial rules to allow people to dial out. Make sure you are testing with CUPC 8.0 MR2 aka 8.0(3), version below that are affected by CSCtf29722 Directory Lookup Rules used for outbound calls.

Though from what you are describing it seems to be a display issue rather than a call failure For how application dial rules work there are some good examples in the cucimoc documentation. The principle remains the same regardless of the product you use.

Keep in mind that application dial rules are for translation number from the directory format to the format CallManager understands and directory lookup rules do the opposite: from CallManager number format to the format that the directory will understand. Also remember that a dial rule will stop processing once it matches a hit. Using personal communicator 8.0.1 and it works fine. We need to upgrade to 8.5.6 and when we do we get a login fail everytime.

What are we missing? Hi Mark, CUPC 8.5(6) should be compatible with CUCM 8.0.2 You can find the server requirements here To investigate the login failure you need to check the cupc logs HTH, Christos. Hello Community, I can use some help please:-) This client uses Personal Communicator and works fine.

The problem is via IPsec VPN client, they can log in, can make calls, but everybody (all contacts) show offline. I've been told that they have look at this problem for several weeks now but nobody knows what is going on. I'm trying right now and having the same problem. When the remote IPsec client connects it gets the intenal DNS server and everything else works fine (IP communicator and all other applications). When inside the LAN, all contacts appear online using the Personal Communicator and works perfectly.

I'm sure it's something simple but I have not been able to figue it out. Appreciate the assistance! Are you using CUPC 7 or 8? What is the VPN concentrator; an ASA? If 7, all of this is SIP traffic. Use a Wireshark to see what you get. You should see a SUBSCRIBE message for each contact followed by a 200 OK reply and NOTIFY when the person's status changes.

Perhaps compare this against a capture from a LAN-attached client to see what's different. Do you see the ASA's IP addresses anywhere in the layer-seven SIP headers? I sometimes run across SIP inspection occurring on the ASA which is mucking around with the headers by doing things such as replacing the internal CUPS address with the ASA's egress interface address.

What is happening with Personal Communicator for Mac? I have a customer that wants it, but I see it's only for Windows unlike v7.x? Ben Hi Ben, There will be a CUPC 8.x version for MAC for sure. I think it will be release in early 2011 Regards, Christos. Happy Monday - Which brand/model headset is being used outthere for personal communicator/soft phone? I am using USB headset Logitech, but I have been asked to get wireless instead. Need to alert users to check their laptop for Bluetooth capabilities.

Many Thanks, A I strongly recommend Plantronics headsets, also Jawbone is highly recommended and supported by Cisco: HTH, Chris. Hi all, probably stupid question but: can you see the presence state of a (IM&P enabled) user that only has an IP phone and no Jabber client? Running UCM/IMP release 9.1.2 I would think so, as UCM should publish presence state of that user phone line, but I can NOT see the presence state for these users in Jabber:S The in/out security ACL on IM&P server has the IP address of UCM servers listed, so it accepts PUBLISH from them. The user without Jabber is enabled for IM&P in the UCM enduser pages The phone line appearance is associated to the user For Jabber users, I can see physical phone presence state(on/offhoook) Any feedback is appreciated! Juan Hi, SM12 is for displaying and deleting locks. It won't help to check the logon status of non-dialog users. My doubt is whether non-dialog users have specific logon status or not.

Thanks & Regards, Vishnu Priya. All, Can I transfer files using the Personal Communicator? Does anyone have a user guide and administrator guide about how to configure and use this facility?

Thank you, Luciane de Medeiros No you cannot. You would need jabber for that.

Can Cisco Unified Personal Communicator and Cisco Jabber for Windows interoperate? Yes, these two clients can interoperate. Please note though that features that are not part of the Cisco Unified Personal Communicator client; such as screen capture, video desktop sharing, and file transfer; are not interoperable between the two clients. HTH java if this helps, please rate Hi Could you please advice how to extract customer master's Contact person communication details(Tel No,Fax No, Email). Thanks in advance SR Hi Ravi, Get the address number(ADRNR) from the table KNA1 using customer number (KUNNR).

And query below tables to get required details using the address numbere(ADRNR) = ADDRNUMBER. ADR2 - Telephone number ADR3 - Fax number ADR6 - Email address.

Hope this helps. Regards, Ashwini. Hello, I am a self taught programmer and I use COM objects to integrate IBM Personal Communications with Microsoft Office. VBScript is used to perform internal automations of the IBM product as well as integrate it with Outlook and Excel.

Instead of buying an e-mail product for the AS/400, I just have Personal Communications send e-mail from Outlook. Instead of creating a spreadsheet application in Java, I integrate Excel with Personal Communications. Having a Technet section that showcases integrating Microsoft products with Personal Communications to enhance it would be desirable. Any ActiveX examples in Personal Communications have to be re-engineered to work with VBScript because they are coded in Visual Basic. For example, VBScript can be used with Personal Communications; but, Visual Basic is used with Microsoft Office applications. Because Personal Communications has limited windows interfaces, I use HTML applications to create more feature rich windows interfaces with Personal Communications when I want more complexity than either an input or a message box from VBScript. Although HTML applications are old technology, they are easy to create and can utilize all the functionality of MSIE to use VBScript, Javascript, C#, Java, HTML, DHTML, and CSS. However, I generally only need VBScript, HTML and CSS.


MSDN2 has HTML applications, CSS, and VBScript in separate sections; but, it does not have a section that shows how everything can be used together. Have a great Day! Jesse Grune Anything can be hacked; however, when I want to get a job done fast I write my own automation and execute it instead of filing a request for IT to write an interal system upgrade.

For example, say I want to have my computer talk for me because I cannot talk at the moment. What I can do is use the speech capabilty of Microsoft Excel and add it as a feature of an automation. PCOMM SCRIPT HEADER LANGUAGE=VBSCRIPT DESCRIPTION=Have the computer talk PCOMM SCRIPT SOURCE OPTION EXPLICIT autECLSession.SetConnectionByName(ThisSessionName) REM This line calls the macro subroutine subSub1 Sub subSub1 dim myexcel Set myexcel=CreateObject('Excel.Application') dim string string = Inputbox('What do you want to say?' ) myexcel.Application.Visible = False myexcel.Speech.Speak string autECLSession.autECLPS.SendKeys 'reset' set myexcel = Nothing End Sub If I want it to read the page to me, I can have it copy a section of a screen or set of screens and then read the data to me.

Also, I use a slight modification of the above code to allow me to write to an Excel file for hidden or visible tracking of what an associate is doing. The hidden tracking is for supervisor or managerial back end review. If I want to send e-mail, I Include the following code in a VBScript automation file: dim myOLItem, Mail set Mail = CreateObject ('Outlook.Application') Set myOLItem = Mail.CreateItem(0) myOLItem.To = 'Some e-mail in quotes' myOLItem.CC = 'Some other e-mail in quotes' myOLItem.Subject = 'A subject in quotes' myOLItem.Body = 'The message body in quotes' myOLItem.Display Using CreateObject, I am able to use features of almost any progam on my desktop and have them as features in my automation. Aslo, I can borrow features of other programming languages on my computer and use them in VBscript. If I wanted to add some level of security to my scripts I could have a check file that verifies my automations are secure; but, that would be a pain to maintain unless I add artificial intelligence to the program. Because of security features in Outlook, I directly type my closing rather than pull my name as the current user because I don't want to bother with the popup box that my automation is hacking my address book.

There are some programs at work that data is typed into from the Client Access Emulator; and, if I had the time to scrpt code and the obect model of the program, I could automate that work and put a lot of people out of work. Anyone that can write up cooking directions and follow them, can write a program. Debugging the program to work with a compiler or the quirks of another program from which the automation is being executed is similar to modifying a recipe depending on the cooking conditions. Have a great Day! Jesse Grune. I used to live in Maryland with my family and we had a family plan.

I moved to a new state last year but we've still been using the old plan. I'm looking to upgrade my phone soon but I'm worried that if I go into an AT&T store they will penalize me for living in a different state than my other family members are. Living in another area does not matter. You can only purchase if you are an authorized user. Hello, We have deployed in our company the CUPC 7.2 and it works well with all users except a few.

When they try to start the application, this error message appears: 'Cisco Unified Personal Comunicator was unable to load the necessary language resources. You may need to re-install to correct this problem. Aborting the application' Of course we have tried to reinstall but it never works, we tried at first with an older version and the error was the same.

Yes, it was a problem with the language of Windows, it was configured with one language that doesn't come with the language pack of the CUPC. You have to check on the control panel, regional configuration and languages and check if it's configured with one of the supported languages. Let me know if it worked for you Regards, Daniel. Was anyone able to use third-party cameras with CUPC?

Which models? Try: Maybe you are looking for. Good day friends. I have a problem trying to create a GTC in IOM Log: 2010-01-18 23:36:41,953 DEBUG OIMCP.DATC Class/Method: DBProvisioningTransportProvider/initialize entered. 2010-01-18 23:36:41,953 DEBUG OIMCP.DATC Class/Method: DBProv. When I open documents with Word 2010 they appear in some odd script of letters, numbers and symbols.

So the workgroup manager interface is ghey. The + sign to add group members drag&drops users one at a time. I need to bulk add group members. I tried ldapadd to add all the users quickly and that doesn't seem to work. The ldap group record now has al.

Adjustment brush guide 'circles' is not visible when hovering over the image. It is only visible when you are to the side of the image in the gray space. This only happens when I am using Lightroom from my external drive. It does not happen from the.

Hi, I am loading Open sales contracts using LSMW BAPI method. The business object for this is BUS2034 and the FM is BAPICONTRACTCREATEFROMDATA. But when i am selecting the Business object in LSMW, it is not appeared in the search help. Is there any.